- Business Health CheckEwen summarises what we cover in a business health check and what you will find out so you can look to the future, in this short video.
- Price ReviewHave you reviewed your prices lately? Ewen explains the benefits to your business, particularly in the current environment.
- Commercial Stamp Duty Concessions Continuing into 2022There is good news for buyers looking at commercial properties in regional Victoria. The existing commercial stamp duty concessions on the purchase of commercial properties have not been walked back for 2022. This spells the continuation of savings of 50% on commercial property purchases for interested investors and business owners looking to buy a business…
- How to Buy a Commercial Property for Your BusinessWith commercial interest rates being incredibly low at the moment, many of our clients have asked us about how to buy a commercial property. In this article, we’ll outline considerations for businesses looking at buying a commercial property, the potential benefits, and how to obtain financing. Benefits of Buying a Commercial Property for Your Business…
- Profit ImprovementEwen takes you through the three parts to improve your profitability in this two minute video.
- Business Advisory: Reviewing MarginsWhen did you last review your margins? Glenn explains why this can help you make smart financial decisions for the year ahead in this short video.
- Buying Business PremiseIs purchasing a business premise part of your 12 month plan? Glenn provides a few points you need to consider in this short video.
- Goal SettingOk so you have set your 2022 business goals…but who is going to hold you accountable?
- Change Focus to ProfitabilityGiven the ongoing labour shortages happening all around the country, Ewen talks you through how you can make some in your business to focus on profitability over growth.
- Cashflow Debtors ManagementAre you actively managing your debtors or accounts receivable? Ewen explains the benefits and why this is so important for your business.
- How will a Virtual CFO make a difference to your business day to day life?If your business has progressed past having a bookkeeper and is heading towards the next stage of growth with managing your finance team – find out how a Virtual CFO can help with your day to day processes and systems.
- Business Continuity PlanningDo you have a business continuity plan in place? Ewen explains why you should have one.