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When is the perfect time to start a business?

Posted by: Glenn Sharp on

Welcome to the first of a series of videos entitled ‘Ask Sharpy’.

Each week we’re going to create a video based on questions that we get from our Facebook community. So make sure you ‘Ask Sharpy’ a question and we will answer them in our weekly video.

“How do I know when it’s the right time to start a business?”

There is never a right time. There’s never a right or wrong time. It’s basically, if you wait for the time to be perfect you’ll have left things too late. We advise clients just to start and do something. 

You’ll make plenty of mistakes and that’s fine. You’ll learn more from those mistakes you make in the early days than what you will if ou got it perfect every time.

“So when’s the right time to start?” – Now!

Get started, get doing something. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Perfectionism kills the start of any business.

Our advice, get started, do something. If you’re not sure on where to start we can help you. Reach out to us via phone of email. 

Sharp Accounting is a local accounting firm in Ballarat. Sharp Accounting nurture business growth by adding value through collaboration and shared knowledge.

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