Category: Growing Business
- Business Health CheckEwen summarises what we cover in a business health check and what you will find out so you can look to the future, in this short video.
- Price ReviewHave you reviewed your prices lately? Ewen explains the benefits to your business, particularly in the current environment.
- Buying Business PremiseIs purchasing a business premise part of your 12 month plan? Glenn provides a few points you need to consider in this short video.
- Goal SettingOk so you have set your 2022 business goals…but who is going to hold you accountable?
- Cashflow Debtors ManagementAre you actively managing your debtors or accounts receivable? Ewen explains the benefits and why this is so important for your business.
- Profitable Customer ReviewHave you reviewed your customers recently? In this short video, I take you through this great exercise to do if you have been in business for a while to help you focus on your bottom-line profitability.
- The roaring 2020s: The similarities of now and the 1920s.