Author: Glenn Sharp
- Why should I have insurance?When we do our clients personal tax returns we’ll talk to them about their insurances and whether they’ve got life insurance and income protection insurance, TPD total permanent disability insurance etc.. We don’t sell insurance, we don’t any money out of it. We are just making sure that our clients have got themselves covered. We…
- Best Ballarat Accountants – Financial Planning and Wealth CreationA lot of our clients will come to us with concerns around where they are heading in their life and what their retirement might be looking like. So although we don’t necessarily do a lot of financial planning ourselves, we do a lot of wealth creation advice for clients. We have a Ballarat financial planner…
- What will June 30 look like for your business?Tax Planning is an opportunity to analyse the current financial year, project potential tax liabilities and discuss strategies moving forward. Further to this, Tax Planning is an opportunity to have a conversation about your goals and aspirations as both a business owner and personally. With your goals and aspirations in mind, tailored advice can be provided,…
- 2018-19 Budget UpdateIf you’re interested in finding out what key changes are most likely to impact you, keep reading. Last week Scott Morrison presented the Turnbull Government’s 3rd budget. This budget is best described as ‘incremental’ and has a large focus on integrity measures and cuts to the individual tax paid by most Australians. Personal Income tax Business…
- Single Touch PayrollHi I’m Glenn from Sharp Accounting and today we’ve got a really great question that we’re going to address: I’ve heard there are going to be changes around how wages and superannuation are going to be reported and paid – what does this mean? From the 1st of July 2018, large employers are going to…
- Does property always increase in value?Hi, I’m Glenn Sharp from Sharp Accounting and welcome to our ‘Ask Sharpy’ videos. Does property always go up in value? The common misconception is that property only ever increases in value. It doesn’t always go up in value. All we’ve got to do is go back to the GFC period to see the most…
- Lets look at why you got into business and why it isn’t workingHi, I’m Glenn Sharp from Sharp Accounting and we’re back with ‘Ask Sharpy’. My business isn’t working for me, what should I do? The first thing that we would normally delve into with clients in this situation is to bring you back to the main reasons why you got into business. Most people when they…
- How can I have a successful business?Hi, I’m Glenn Sharp from Sharp Accounting and welcome to our weekly ‘Ask Sharpy’ video. Why should I seek advice? When you’re in business, I use an analogy, similar to a football team. In a football team, the players don’t just run around and look after themselves, you’ve got a coaching team. Over the top…
- When is the perfect time to start a business?Welcome to the first of a series of videos entitled ‘Ask Sharpy’. Each week we’re going to create a video based on questions that we get from our Facebook community. So make sure you ‘Ask Sharpy’ a question and we will answer them in our weekly video. “How do I know when it’s the right…
- Are you thinking small enough?Business owners are often pushed by us to think bigger and bolder. However we had a Strategic Planning Day recently where we had to push a business owner to think smaller, much smaller – that is, about a smaller number of working hours. The Planning Day was with a business owner who runs a financially successful business, but…
- How to Survive ChristmasBusy preparing for Christmas and New Year, and you’re already run off your feet. That doesn’t stop you though does it? Sneaking a look at your emails as you’re wraping presents. Taking a call while the prawns are cooking on the BBQ. It’s a situation that many small business owners will know well as they…
- Why do we think of ‘Cost Cutting’ to Increase Profitability?One thing all businesses have in common is the need to be profitable. A strong turnover is essential for the longevity of any businesses to succeed. But how do you create profitability and where do you start? The downfall that many small business owners experience is the lack of knowledge to answer those exact questions. When discussing…