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News Update

Sharp Accounting: News update June 2022

Posted by: Ewen Fletcher on

In this month’s News Update we talk about increasing interest rates, what you should be aware of as a business owner and how to take charge of where your business is heading. We remind you of the superannuation changes coming up on 1 July; the Superannuation Guarantee increase and the Super Guarantee threshold increase. With inflation rates being the highest they have been in years, don’t forget to review your household and business spending budgets. As the new financial year is about to begin, it’s the perfect time to set some new goals and targets for the year ahead. Are you aware of the new insolvency laws? We encourage you to be proactive if you feel your business is struggling and contact us to see how we can assist with the best way forward. Are you using the best operating structure in your business? Now is a good time to review your structure, our team are happy to discuss this with you. And don’t forget, Single Touch Payroll authorisations are due by 14th July to your employees.

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