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Lockdown 5.0 – additional support for Victorian businesses

Posted by: Ewen Fletcher on

As part of the latest lockdown (Lockdown 5.0), the Victorian government has provided initial payments for a number of businesses. These payments were automatically paid if your business received a similar payment for Lockdown 4.0.

Due to the lockdown now running into a second week, the Victorian Government has announced a further $282.5 million injection for its business support package offering new support to bolster communities and businesses most affected by the current restrictions.

An extension to the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two will open for applications by the end of July. Further information will be available soon.

COVID-19 Disaster Payment

The COVID-19 Disaster Payment has also been set up to help workers adversely affected by a state public health order.

The vast majority of micro-businesses not registered for GST will be eligible for the Commonwealth Government’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment. The new payment will help micro businesses and Victorian workers who are unable to earn an income due to the current lockdown restrictions.

This payment is a lump sum to assist workers that are not able to earn an income due to a lockdown and restrictions.


All general eligibility rules must be met and you must also meet the following rules to be eligible for the recognised Victoria COVID-19 event in July 2021:

All applications can be made through Services Australia. Payments will be made on a weekly basis while you remain eligible. The earliest date to lodge a claim is Friday 23rd July 2021.

For any businesses that have had to cut their employee’s hours due to the latest lockdown, we would encourage their employees to visit the Services Australia website and make a claim.

Full details can be found here: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/covid-19-disaster-payment

Please contact us if you would like our assistance.

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